
Golda Grais - Media Arts '20

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“I love how everyone at The Academy knows each other. I never felt like an anonymous face in the crowd. I was able to form close relationships with all of my teachers and various faculty throughout my time, and I always felt like there were people I could turn to when I needed help or support. You feel like you’re a part of a continuous community that is always being built. The walls are decorated with old posters and photos from years in the past. People are always speaking fondly of old experiences and alumni that inspire them. At the same time, innovation and improvement are always a priority. It’s a place that celebrates the future as much as the past.”

Over the past couple weeks we have been honoring our seniors as they graduate The Academy and move on to the next chapter in their lives. We have also had a chance to interview a few seniors and senior families about their future plans, what they love about The Academy, and what they will miss most. See below for more from Golda Grais, Media Arts. Next year, Golda will be attending Scripps College in Claremont, California!

Golda will miss the little things that made The Academy “home”.

“I’ll miss all the little quirks that become part of everyday Academy life, like the bedraggled fake skeleton named Skelly that lives in the Media Arts Department, or the hand-painted cactus in the Spanish room, or the fun pens Mr. Pinto uses during his lessons every Friday. There are countless other things I could name. It’s the small things that all come together to form the Academy experience.”

Golda’s advice for incoming Academy freshmen was to focus on artistic growth, and don’t be intimidated.

“The most helpful piece of advice I received as a freshman that I have always made sure to pass on is that The Academy isn’t just a place for prodigies. It’s a place for people that are dedicated to and passionate about their art. Seeing the amazing things other people do can feel intimidating, but know that everyone is there to help lift you up, not compete with you. Also, it’s okay to not instantly be where you want to be. Seeing your growth over the years is one of the best parts of being an artist.”

Congratulations Golda!